Monday, December 7, 2015

Betty Draper; 50's and 60's women

Betty Draper, from the television show “Mad Men” which is based on the advertising industry in the 50’s and 60’s , is the wife of ad man Don Draper. Don Draper embodies everything that a woman should want in a man: smarts and looks as well as a lucrative career. Together they have to children, a daughter and a son, Sally and Bobby. Betty Draper, as portrayed by January Jones is the epitome of a typical 50’s housewife. She is tall, blonde and beautiful and takes pride in being unattainable. She is extremely conservative in her way of dress but dresses extremely well, so as to show off her economic status.

Betty Draper is a perfect example of what women were expected to be in that day and age. She is educated and eloquent but speaks only of superficialities. Her days consisted of cooking, cleaning, gossiping with her girlfriend about other women and complaining to her husband about innocuous things such as how “Sally screamed at Bobby”. I believe the producers of mad men made her obnoxiously stuck-up and shallow to emphasize the reality that women really acted like this or in the very least, were expected too.

The character of Betty draper was built entirely around “Male Gaze”. She is gorgeous, yet she is subservient and takes on the expected role as a devoted, domestic, wife and mother. She speaks about trivialities and typical “women” things and so she is not a challenge to her husband in terms of intellectuality.

Intellectuality and all things politics were subjects reserved for men. Beautiful and insipid women such as Betty Draper were simply a pretty prop or ornament for the man; she smokes a cigarette while keeping a professional demeanor accompanied by a pretty smile.

Betty draper took much pride in being who she was. She was a woman who realized that she only had significance if she embraced and accepted the “house-wife” role, inflicted upon her by society. Women like Betty Draper do not fight against the norm. They believed that the most disappointing thing a woman can be is anything but a mother and wife.

In Betty Draper’s mind, you would not be caught dead as a single mother. Ideals like these were not created by women but rather by men to confine women. After all, what does it say of you as a man if your wife works? What does it say of you as a husband if your wife speaks out on politics in a discussion? She must be insubordinate or believe that she is equal or superior, challenging your position as the traditional dominant man.

“Be quiet and look pretty sweetheart”

January Jones as Betty Draper (Mad Men)

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